Cutting Corners

The Perfect Corner

Contributed by Naoko Oguro

As a designer, I always want the perfect corner.

Just like in origami and in the finest Italian suits, if your corners and creases aren’t perfect, it looks sloppy and it loses its crispness.

Unfortunately in the construction world, it doesn’t work like paper or a fine wool of a suit. As hard as they try, gyp boards and corner beads always have a slight radius; tiles can’t be mitered at a corner, and some square columns are not quite as square as one would have hoped for that desired alignment. So one of my favorite detail is to take that corner out - create a crisp line using reverse corner angles that can be machined and tooled for that exacting sharp angle we love – except in reverse.

The angles can be an extruded aluminum or be stainless steel, with the latter being more expensive.

And with a reverse corner angle in hand, I can have the perfect line to end various materials, whether the material being is wallcovering, stretch fabric systems, stone tiles, metal or wood panels, backpainted glass – options abound. I can have a perfect 90 degree column enclosure regardless of the condition of the actual column behind the furring around it. And unlike its cousin, the L corner angle, the reversing does the same thing a reveal does – by altering the location of its surface plane, it recedes into the background and not look like a surface applied trim piece often associated and seen in high traffic areas in commercial spaces to protect a corner.

Sometimes cutting corners isn’t such a bad thing.

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